Use AirPlay to stream or share content from your Apple devices to your Apple TV or AirPlay 2-compatible smart TV. Stream a video. Share your photos. Or mirror exactly what's on your device's screen.
Get started
Make sure that your devices meet the requirements for using AirPlay. To use Siri to play and control video from your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch, add your Apple TV or AirPlay 2-compatible smart TV to the Home app and assign it to a room.
Stream video from your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch
Connect your device to the same Wi-Fi network as your Apple TV or AirPlay 2-compatible smart TV.
Find the video that you want to stream.
Tap the AirPlay icon. In some third-party apps, you might need to tap a different icon first. In the Photos app, tap the share icon, then tap the AirPlay icon.
Choose your Apple TV or AirPlay 2-compatible smart TV. Need help?
To stop streaming, tap the AirPlay icon in the app that you're streaming from, then tap your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch from the list.
For more information, including streaming from your Mac and extending your Mac display: